Credit - this is first and foremost duty. And then - the ability to quickly acquire such necessary goods or pay for the service. Credit - a debt the borrower to the lender to return a sum of money at interest, and for a specific period of time. Borrowers may be citizens - individuals and businesses, the company - legal persons. Lenders are the commercial banks, credit unions, insurance companies, pension funds and other financial institutions that have this special license of the National Bank of Ukraine or the Russian Central Bank.
The most common types of loans are consumer loans and overdrafts in the form of a credit line. An overdraft is dangerous because being spent on current needs and unnecessary items of luxury, it involves the borrower to the credit bondage, which is very dangerous for the moral health of the debtor. Credit debt irritates the human psyche, and even provoke disruptions, drives the person into depression.
There is such a thing as a useful and harmful loan. Net credit to the one in the future in one form or another will pay dividends - profits in any form. For example, a useful loan is a loan for education of the child and even adults. Loan to purchase a computer or a necessary home appliances, too, is to wear the yoke of credit. But bad loans - one from which no benefit, but only dust in the eyes of others. For example, a loan to purchase a mink coat can hardly be called useful: it is no sense from the practical. The same goes for buying a car on credit. If the car is taken on credit for business, then this is a good investment, but if Ponto, when not enough money even to rent a garage and petrol - it is very harmful buying.
It is also very popular types of loans are loans on real estate and auto loans and leasing. But to get these types of loans is quite difficult. For a start it would be good on the loan calculator to calculate the chances to take the credit. If they are not very optimistic, it is better not to meddle in this credit morass - a high probability of losing the latter. The problem of choosing the lender, I personally believe does not exist. Now divorced so many lending banks that help even the mortgage broker is unnecessary - just need to independently walk on the banks and a heart to heart talk with loan officers.
To obtain a loan the borrower must have a good credit history: All credit histories are stored in the bank's customer loan credit bureau. Any problems in the credit institution's problems can be solved with the appropriate department head of lending, and in extreme cases - by writing a complaint or to the manager of a branch or branches of the bank. It is important to read carefully before signing the loan agreement to be aware of their rights and obligations under various versions of events.
Typically, credit banks try by all means to reduce credit risks, so they set out to borrower requirements for making a down payment on the loan or credit insurance.
Thus, only from you, the borrower's future depends on whether your credit is profitable or, conversely, whether it will ruin your budget. Therefore, carefully study the various lending programs of banks do not trust everything you hear credit brokers - especially "black", pay attention to credit ratings that are published in newspapers and magazines.
The most common types of loans are consumer loans and overdrafts in the form of a credit line. An overdraft is dangerous because being spent on current needs and unnecessary items of luxury, it involves the borrower to the credit bondage, which is very dangerous for the moral health of the debtor. Credit debt irritates the human psyche, and even provoke disruptions, drives the person into depression.
There is such a thing as a useful and harmful loan. Net credit to the one in the future in one form or another will pay dividends - profits in any form. For example, a useful loan is a loan for education of the child and even adults. Loan to purchase a computer or a necessary home appliances, too, is to wear the yoke of credit. But bad loans - one from which no benefit, but only dust in the eyes of others. For example, a loan to purchase a mink coat can hardly be called useful: it is no sense from the practical. The same goes for buying a car on credit. If the car is taken on credit for business, then this is a good investment, but if Ponto, when not enough money even to rent a garage and petrol - it is very harmful buying.
It is also very popular types of loans are loans on real estate and auto loans and leasing. But to get these types of loans is quite difficult. For a start it would be good on the loan calculator to calculate the chances to take the credit. If they are not very optimistic, it is better not to meddle in this credit morass - a high probability of losing the latter. The problem of choosing the lender, I personally believe does not exist. Now divorced so many lending banks that help even the mortgage broker is unnecessary - just need to independently walk on the banks and a heart to heart talk with loan officers.
To obtain a loan the borrower must have a good credit history: All credit histories are stored in the bank's customer loan credit bureau. Any problems in the credit institution's problems can be solved with the appropriate department head of lending, and in extreme cases - by writing a complaint or to the manager of a branch or branches of the bank. It is important to read carefully before signing the loan agreement to be aware of their rights and obligations under various versions of events.
Typically, credit banks try by all means to reduce credit risks, so they set out to borrower requirements for making a down payment on the loan or credit insurance.
Thus, only from you, the borrower's future depends on whether your credit is profitable or, conversely, whether it will ruin your budget. Therefore, carefully study the various lending programs of banks do not trust everything you hear credit brokers - especially "black", pay attention to credit ratings that are published in newspapers and magazines.